According to a press statement sent by ABS-CBN to media outfits on Monday, the actress decided to pull out of the upcoming Darna movie to be produced by Star Cinema due to health concerns.
According to a press statement sent by ABS-CBN to media outfits on Monday, the actress decided to pull out of the upcoming Darna movie to be produced by Star Cinema due to health concerns.
Angel developed a disc bulge in her spine after her “various rigorous training regimens for two years,” the statement explained. However, Angel is still set to finish her Star Cinema movie with Vilma Santos.
In an interview on Tonight with Boy Abunda, on October 26, Angel believed that she suffered the disc bulge due to the many times she did her own stunts in her projects.
“But I’m not regretting whatever injury I suffered because I’m very happy with what I’m doing,” she said.